The Case for Organization

My absolute favorite thing about cleaning someone’s closet is when he or she says, “I forgot I had that! I’m going to wear it [tomorrow; this week; right now]!

Knowing what you have and using it is just the most satisfying feeling. Being able to see and access it easily is a close second.

Here are some photos of recent closet edits/organizations that I’ve done. Can we just talk about the custom tie drawers (courtesy of interior designer Laura Tutun!) and on a much more DIY note, the pictures of shoes pasted onto the shoe boxes? Both are so good IMHO.

Organizing Tip #1

Go through it ALL. But do it section by section. For example, just start with your shirts or shoes. Set a timer—clean/organize for 1 hour and then see where you are. Make a plan for which section to tackle next.

Tops organized by color and all on the same type of hanger.

Tops organized by color and all on the same type of hanger.

Organizing Tip #2

Put everything in color order. Tops, pants, shoes, ties (what a gorgeous collection!).

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Organizing Tip #3

Separate Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer. Seriously, this is so helpful—it seems like it will be a pain when you have to swap next season, but it won’t be.

Same-season golf shirts and cotton shorts/pants hang together.

Same-season golf shirts and cotton shorts/pants hang together.

Below is a little ‘before and after’ fun: A coat closet gets some love and shoes are easy to organize/find when photos are attached to boxes.

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